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Flight spam, save the planet

As we recognize Earth Day this week, it’s worth looking back on last week’s report on the carbon footprint of spam. In a report commissioned by security vendor McAfee, ICF International found the 62 trillion […]

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French right to reject piracy law

Viva la France! French lawmakers have unexpectedly rejected a bill that would have cut off Internet access to people who repeatedly download music or videos illegally. The law, which was supported by French President Nicolas […]

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Ford trucks to get Internet browser

Ford Motor and Opera Software have announced a collaboration to add Web browsing to the Internet-enabled in-dash computers that Ford is installing in some of its trucks and vans. The built-in Ford Work Solutions computer, […]

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Teen sexting: stupid & illegal

”Sexting” is the practice of taking a sexually revealing picture of yourself, typically from a cell phone, and sending it to someone. Legal consequences aside, it’s a dumb thing to do, especially for younger age groups in which it has become something of a fad. […]

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Open source mobile software to save lives

It won’t grab headlines like the newest version of the iPhone operating system, but a Palo Alto, Calif. non-profit today announced a suite of open-source applications that aids in communications and collaboration for humanitarian workers […]